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Listings 1-25 (of 346) ordered by title (show by author/editor instead):

Author/Editor Title 
Feynman, Richard P. (Author)  “What Do You Care What Other People Think?”  
Chandler, A. Bertram (Author)  *** Ace double by A. Bertram Chandler ***  
Asimov, Isaac (Editor)  The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction  
Greenberg, Martin Harry (Editor)  The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction  
Waugh, Charles G. (Editor)  The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1974 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1976 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1977 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1978 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1980 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1981 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1982 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1983 Annual World's Best SF  
Saha, Arthur W. (Editor)  The 1984 Annual World's Best SF  
Wollheim, Donald A. (Editor)  The 1984 Annual World's Best SF  
Clarke, Arthur C. (Author)  2001: A Space Odyssey  
Harrison, Harry (Author)  The Adventures of The Stainless Steel Rat  
Frank, Pat (Author)  Alas, Babylon  
Moorcock, Michael (Author)  An Alien Heat  
Niven, Larry (Author)  All the Myriad Ways  
[none] ()  Analog/The Best of Science Fiction  
Dickson, Gordon R. (Author)  Ancient, My Enemy  
Greenberg, Martin H. (Editor)  The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels  
Silverberg, Robert (Editor)  The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels  
Anderson, Poul (Author)  The Avatar  
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And finally, a random note:
There are three kinds of people. Those who can count, and those who can't.